Monday, March 16, 2009

Toe Flossing and the Tower of Terror

So we've seem many sights in the few short hours we've been here so far. As we travelled along the beach, we saw a cute "older" couple who had apparently been enjoying a relaxing day at beautiful Waikiki Beach. As I noticed them, I noted that the wife was rubbing her husbands feet. How nice... Untilnshe moved on to step two: flossing between each of his toes with a towel as he sat back and relaxed. Now I'm not necessarily grossed out by feet in general as some are, but reallly? you're going to do that right there? We moved on quickly.

Next, we had to check out a few hotels. One was a bit snooty, one seemed annoyed that we might want to do business with them. The standout was definitely Tom Akegarasu. He was fun and super-happy to show us around his vintage 1970s hotel. The highlight of the tour was a run on the hotels own "Tower of Terror" elevator. I mean, I think these elevators drop faster than the Tower at DisneyLand.

All in all, a good day. I mean, how can it not be when you're in Hawaii?
Tomorrow will be a busy day. Lots to do. Beaches to see. Waves to ride. Beach naps to take... Just kidding! We'll definitely be all over the Island tomorrow trying to piece together all the details of our trip.

Already, we've got some great ideas. I really think this could turn out to be the best SWC tour yet. (and only half of that is because of where we'll be)

Aloha until tomorrow!
(my name in Hawaiian)

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