Thursday, March 19, 2009

Micronesian Screeching Rats...

So we were taking a break from the grueling schedule we've been keeping all week and decided to stop and watch some surfers off Diamond Head. All of the sudden, peering over the wall in front of us was something that looked like a cross between a ferret, a prairie dog, and a big rat. We decided it must be one of the famed "Micronesian Rats" we've heard so much about.
We put a bit of maunna pua on the wall in hopes of luring one up so I could snap a photo, but they weren't having any of that.

We are certainly suffering for all of our students this week. This is all for you guys. We are not gettig any pleasure from any of this. (now Jeff can honestly say that about the Diamond Head hike) Seriously though - it's been a very productive week. We've figures out our ministry stuff, started planning a big event for all the Baptist churches on the island, and figured out most of our recreation. We even surveyed little Timmy at the Luau tonight to see what he's enjoyed the most while here in Hawaii (he said snorkeling)

So last night, we went to dinner. Our waitress told us that he had "every kind of soda" so Jeff ordered a Cherry Coke, to which she replied: "no Cherry Coke!" after some negotiations and an offer to attempt making one, he ordered a Diet Coke.

So my task now is to get packed and ready. Amazing how one backpack and a small duffel can make a hotel room hard to walk around in.
Packing, sleeping, then Snorkeling in the morning. Now we're only going for the students. We would never dream of getting any personal enjoyment from all this. ;--)

Have a great day and I'll see you Sunday!


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