Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Black Sugar & Coconut

We met with Pastor John Vaughn this afternoon. This guy has his finger on the pulse of the community. He definitely has a heart for the people. We'll be ministering to children and families in a government run apartment complex. We'll be working with Samoan and Micronesian people. There's so much we can do. We met a few children in the complex. One boy (Orange shirt) doesn't even know his alphabet, but had the greatest personality. I can't wait to me back here actively doing hands-on ministry with these kids. It's going to be significant.
We'll also be doing a block party at the church and helping the Church reach out to the Philippino community around the church.
Kalihi Baptist Church is a blend of several different cultures. Very cool.
I'm really starting to get excited about this trip.

On the more interesting side: Jeff was videotaping and was told by a guy "Hey! That's my house! Stop taking pictures!"
Then there was the guy yelling "Hey you with the camera!" at me in Chinatown. The Pastor took us to get some Mannapua. He bought us each one. Sweet pork, coconut, and black sugar. We were going to split them. He even asked us "hey! We can eat those any time..." but me and Jeff were still so stuffed from the Kalua Pig we had for lunch (yes! It was amazing) we didn't want to eat them just yet. We ended up taking them. I'm pretty sure he wanted one, but we'll be enjoying it shortly. :--)

So it was a busy, but very productive day. Tomorrow, we'll me planning some of the more "fun" aspects of the trip. But for now: I'm definitely excited about what we're going to be doing.

And keep an eye out for the picture of the pastor. Dude has some serious chops!

Aloha for now,
(Hawaiian for Robbie)

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