Sunday, March 15, 2009

Suffering all week...

So I'm getting up early in the morning to head out for our SWC Pre-Trip. Jeff B and I will be getting up way too early to head out to fly out of LAX to go get things set up for our Choir/Mission Trip this June.

This trip brings a new meaning to the phrase "Suffering for Jesus." I mean, not only am I having to spend like four consecutive days with Jeff, but we have to fly out of LAX. I think that when the whole concept of "Purgatory" was originated, it was meant to refer to LAX.

Okay - so I'm off. If you see John Montgomery, tell him he should be jealous. This might just trump our pre-trip of several years ago when we rented the Mustang...

Keep reading this week - more details to follow.
(Including the "mystery location")


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