Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Nate Keating Band (or San Diego Bound!)

So last night's SIX33 was an amazing night of worship led by Nate Keating & Co. For those of you who don't know, Nate is the Youth Pastor and Worship leader for Cloudbreak Church in San Diego. The HSM has partnered with Cloudbreak to join them a few times this year and minister with them as they reach out to their community with the Gospel.

Shameless Promo: The HSM is headed down to San Diego May 9-11. We head out on Friday, pass out flyers & such, go to the beach, help set up and participate in "Overflow" an outreach concert they're putting on, then participate in the Sunday morning worship service. After church, we'll have lunch and head back.

Ok - back to blogging and not promoting upcoming events.
Nate is obviously a gifted worship leader and Cloudbreak, although small compared to Immanuel, is definitely lucky to have him as their worship leader. Thanks to Nate and Co. for leading us in worship last night.
I'm always amazed at how God puts things together. I'm in the middle of a sermon series on 1 Peter right now. When I talked to Nate yesterday morning about how many songs, and the flow of the evening, he gave me the list of songs that they would be singing. The closing song, one that a band member wrote, was titled "Live for Me" and is written from the perspective of God speaking to us. As they were singing the song, I was amazed at how it fit in perfectly with what I had just been talking about in my sermon. It was like it was written specifically as the "closer" for the sermon I had just preached. Now I know that God is sovereign and directs everything, but it's just so cool to see it so clearly and specifically come together like that.

Anyway - After spending a SIX33 with Nate & Co., I'm more excited than ever about our trip down there to minister with them. I can't wait to take some of our students down and spend a weekend fellowshipping and ministering together.
Have I mentioned that I love my job?


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