Sunday, April 6, 2008

Doulos Christou

So. Hopefully everyone now understands that we're slaves. Two Wednesdays ago, I taught on the Greek word "doulos," which appears 150+ times in the New Testament. There's no meaning other than "slave." Most English translations use the word "servant." When we look at our relationship to Christ as that of a slave to a Master, then it sort of gives us a whole new way of understanding obedience.
A slave simply obeys his Master.
I want to live my life as an obedient slave to my Master Jesus Christ. He has done so much for me. Because of what He has done for me and because of my obedience to Him, I not only call Him my Master, but He calls me His friend.
What an amazing thing to be a friend to the one who not only saved me, but also created the universe and everything in it.

This week at SIX33, we'll venture into the next episode of our adventure. We'll be looking at 1 Peter and I'm titling this series "Bring on the Mocking." If we're living the obedient slave-lives we're called to live, then there will be mocking. People will notice my life, and they won't necessarily be complimentary. But I say "bring it on!" I serve a glorious Master. That's what matters!

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