How often do we forget how much God has blessed us? Do we constantly meditate on the Gospel and what it means for us? At least once a day (usually way more than once) someone asks me "how are you today?" C.J. Mahaney has probably the best answer for that question. More and more I'm using his answer.The answer is: "better than I deserve!" Thats such a great answer! It's not only a great response, but it reminds me that while I deserve death, punishment, and God's wrath, I won't receive any of that.Because Jesus suffered and died and took God's wrath in my place, I stand righteous (in Him) before God. That's definitely way more than I deserve.Yet all too often, I don't really think about that. Even working as a Pastor at a church, I get distracted by all the "things" that have to be done.So the next time someone asks you "How are you today?" let it be a reminder of everything God has done for you. It starts with salvation.The list of all the other stuff is no doubt very long too.
For me, that's where it starts. The list goes on. I was reminded yesterday of one more thing on the list. How amazing is it that God has blessed me to live and work here in beautiful Southern California. Have you been to the beach recently? It's so peaceful and beautiful. There's a song titled "Ocean" by Ten Shekel Shirt that says "there's something about the ocean that reminds me of your faithfulness" We live in such a beautiful area. Take some time the next time you're out to look around and remind yourself not only where God has blessed you to live, but also of how amazing He is. We definitely get so much more than we deserve!
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