Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Extra Mattresses?

So today we'll be searching the other tents for extra mattresses. I've
been going to Youth Camp as either a Youth Pastor or a chaperone since
1992. Last night, way in the middle of the night, there was a "first."
So I'm sleeping peacefully when a loud thunk next to me wakes me up.
It's not 100% dark in my tent so I can see just a little bit. I see
one of the students crouched on the floor next to my bunk. After a
second or two I realize what's going on... He fell out of his top bunk
while sleeping. He was ok, but seemed a little disoriented and
confused as to why he fell.
I'm sure there will be a further investigation today. We'll be
checking for spare mattresses to put next to his bed after breakfast
And who knows, maybe we'll do an interview with him and try & see
exactly what happened.
Yesterday was a great day. Some of the really good spiritual
conversations are beginning to happen. Keep me abd the adults in
prayer as we seek to help our students have a great week growing in
love, knowledge, and discernment. Be praying Phil. 1:9-11 for them.
More to come...

1 comment:

jared wilbanks said...

This happened to Aaron Burk at Alto Frio ;-)