Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pointing you to another Blog

Occasionally, I'll read a blog that I just want to copy and paste into my own.
Not to be stealing someone else's thoughts, but because it's so good and I want people to read it.
For those that are a part of SIX33 and attend our youth group worship services on Wednesday nights (at 6:33 p.m.) you've noticed over the past couple of years that we've toned down the "game scenario."
Well I read a blog this morning that totally captures the essence of where we're trying to go with our Worship Services.
Check it out, then read the rest: TeamPyro Post

I enjoy playing and having fun as much as the next guy (perhaps even more) and we will continue to go places and have events where we can foster genuine Christian relationships and enjoy being together. That's why we have SIX33 Saturdays (coming Jan. 23) and Friday Fellowships (Karaoke Night this month). Wednesday nights, for us, are about gathering together as a community of believers for worship and Bible teaching.

The goal of the HSM at Immanuel is simple: "passionately knowing, believing, living, and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Hope that makes sense.

Seeking Him,

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