Everyone's always making resolutions.
Few people carry through with them.
Wednesday night at SIX33, my sermon was titled "10 Questions for 2010" (not a super clever title, but what can I do? "Always have a super-clever Sermon Title" was not one of my resolutions for 2010) I believe that the key to spiritual growth is essentially two things:
1. Studying Scripture (don't be a Bible reader, be a study-er)
2. Being consistently taught the Word of God
(this comes with consistent church involvement, which is a whole other post)
A common thread that runs through both of these is discipline and actual effort. You cannot just decide that you're going to "grow spiritually" or "study the Bible more" this year. You have to, as 2 Peter 1 tells us to "make every effort."
I believe that the key to making everything happen is discipline, focus, and some actual work.
Resolutions are not a bad thing. They fail for a number of reasons. One big reason is that we often make resolutions and don't keep them is because we "file them away" after making them. We must re-visit them regularly and consistently.
The church website is new and very improved. It offers us many new features that we didn't have before. We're going to be using as many of the features as we can to be as helpful as possible toward encouraging and catalyzing the spiritual growth of our people this year.
So check back here often. Check the church website often. (www.ibchighland.org go to "Get Involved" and "High School Ministry")
We've got a lot of plans to make the website truly helpful beyond just finding service times.
In the HSM section is a new page titled "Sermons & Such" where you'll find resources from the current and past sermons that I hope will be very helpful to you as you "make every effort" in your walk with God this year.
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