Monday, May 19, 2008

Let them eat cake!

So the cake auction last night was a phenomenal success. Last year's auction brought about $80 per student. This year, the students made $120 each! Our church members are awesome. At one point, there was a bidding war. One of the bidders offered to let the other guy keep the cake, to which he replied, "I don't want the cake!" All these people showed up for fellowship, fun, and cake.

Sure, some came for the cake. Most of the people who buy a cake cut them right there and we all pass around cake and get a gigantic sugar rush going. But those buying cakes certainly aren't in it for the cake. I truly do appreciate the generous hearts of everyone who came and supported the event. We had a record high cake sell for $600. Christina's 8 layer chocolate cake looked totally out of control. 8 layers of chocolate, with sweet peanut butter between layers and what looked to be almost 30 Reese's peanut butter cups all over it. Simply amazing!

Thanks also to all our great kids who worked so hard making their cakes. Last, but definitely not least, thanks to Mark Lemm. Even after two banquets earlier in the day, he still made coffee and tea and had stuff ready for us to cut and serve cakes. Mark truly is an amazing servant.

So now, we're almost ready for camp. It's going to be amazing this year. It's a whole new camp experience for us, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what God does in our Student's lives at camp this Summer.



Nicole said...

I want a bite of that cake!!!!!!

Howard and Jessica said...

Mark Lemm is a great dad, too! :)

Kath said...

The cake auction is always a great time! Love to instigate the wars, you know! ;-)

Robert said...

Can you send some cake my way out here in Georgia???

flanagannotofthisworldcf said...

hey my cake it was a blast i have to say it took 7 hours but it was worth it i love to bake but never thought it go this far i tell u what robert when you come to califorina i will bake u a smaller but still the same cake does that sound good to you