Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today's Count

We have twice as many children today as we did yesterday. Several of the children who were here yesterday not only came back, but also brought a friend. We were also able to pass out some flyers in the few blocks surrounding the church. Additionally, we've been able to invite a few children to VBS as we walk to the church from the bus stop.
Right now (even as I type this) the children are having a snack. After that, there are some puppets to make and we'll finish with the Bible Story which focuses on our sinfulness today. Pray for Tyler, Stephen, Amy, Lauren, and Mikaija as they lead the Bible Story that they would effectively communicate to the children today.

Soli Deo Gloria!

1 comment:

Kath said...

Fabulous on doubling the number of kids at VBS. Praying for all of you!!