Friday, July 23, 2010

Last Flight

So we made it to the airport, through security, and to our gate with a little over an hour to spare. The students are off grabbing some food and then we'll board the plane and be on our way to California. John Powell was gracious to drive the bus, so he'll be picking us up at LAX in just a little while. It really has been a good trip. The students had a good time, did an AMAZING job not only singing, but planning and executing a VBS pretty much all on their own.
Our flight is scheduled to land at 6:20 pacific time.

I was chatting with several of our students last night asking them what the highlight of the trip was and got some great responses. Some really enjoyed the significant ministry with the children and some pointed to singing live on the radio (scroll down for a previous post). I think every student learned something, was stretched, and has grown as a result of being a part of this mission project.

Soli Deo Gloria!

1 comment:

Kath said...

Rob and Jeff,
We as a church body are blessed to have such great kids, but also great people willing to lead the kids in endeavors such as this mission trip!
Thank you to all the Staff, Family group leaders, and contributors who made this trip possible for our kids!