Friday, July 2, 2010

Last Day at Camp

So today is our last day here. In all truth, I think this has been our best year here. And I don't mean that in the typical, "the most event trip is always the best one" scenario. The attitude of all the students here, not just ours, has been amazing. My team was a mixture of guys from Immanuel and girls from Victorville and they bonded right away and have become a great team. The vibe this year has been amazing. The staff has always been great and this year is no exception.
Thanks for all your prayers. If you haven't had a chance to read through John 15, let me encourage you to take some time to read through it before your student arrives home. We've spent our week looking at what it means to truly be a Talmidim of Jesus and it would be great if you could continue that conversation with your student when they return home.

This morning, we're meeting together as a church. We'll be challenging them to truly live lives that are honoring to Christ in every area as well as looking closer at what it means to really be above reproach.

Your students will also be challenged to read through all four Gospels during the month of July. There will be a schedule posted here on the blog as well as some ongoing thoughts and ideas about what it means to really follow Jesus so closely that we stay "covered in the dust of our glorious Rabbi!"

Soli Deo Gloria!

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