Monday, February 22, 2010


So it's quite chilly here in snowy Chicago! I'm having some coffee right now and we're getting ready to meet with someone from the association about our partner church. We'll also be checking out some sightseeing options.

So the ground is entirely snow-covered and I'm quite interested to see how well my REI hiking boots hold up to the snowy conditions. When I bought them, I wasn't buying a "waterproof" scenario. We'll see how they work. I do know that my jacket is warm with it's newly installed "extra liner." (thanks again to REI)

If I can talk Jeff into it, I'll post a video of him making a snow angel. While you're thinking that he'll never go for it, I can be quite persuasive. But you might be right - probably not quite that persuasive. But we'll see.

Definitely more pictures to come. I'll keep you posted on the dryness/wetness of my feet in my hiking boots throughout the day. Because I know you're dying to hear how they're working. Well, ok... I'm probably more concerned than you are, but I'll keep you posted anyway.


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