Sunday, February 1, 2009


Has it really been that many months since I've posted anything?
Well - no more of that!

Okay - so here's the latest:
I'm becoming more and more obsessed with the Gospel day by day.
I'm loving the idea and reality of being saturated in Scripture.
The more I stay in Scripture, the more I want to stay in Scripture.

So my question for you is pretty much what I asked my students a couple of Wednesday nights back:
Why are you reading your Bible? Is it out of a sense of some sort of obligation? "Well, I know I'm supposed to read my Bible..." or "My Youth Pastor/Parent/Sunday School Teacher/etc. told me I should read it"


Are you reading it because you want to know Christ more deeply? Because of all the things that you can spend your time doing. Of all the things you could be reading. Of all the "stuff" that's out there - Only in Scripture do you find what you're truly looking for. Only in Scripture do you find the words that strike you deep in your soul. It just does something for you.

If you were to read through the "Gospel" verses right now, what would be your response? Would it be, "yes - I like these, I've read them before. They're nice..."


Do you read them and just smile, because it brings you back to meditating on the full reality of what Jesus has done for you. How He bore YOUR sins on the cross and was punished for YOUR sake. He chose you specifically from before the foundation of the world and came to die for YOU.
When I read them - it just gets me. It's hard to describe, but I'm hoping I don't have to describe it to you. I'm hoping you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Want a list of verses? Try this one:
Psalm 96
Ephesians 1:3-14
Romans 3:10-23, Genesis 6:5
Romans 5:8 - it's starting to get good!
2 Corinthians 5:21 - this is just about as good as it gets.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Peter 3:18
Romans 10:9-10 - this is very important.
and my favorite Gospel summary passage:
Titus 3:3-7

Seeking Him,

P.S. - go to YouTube and find the video "Barabbus" by Caleb and Sol Rexius. I'll put it here when I figure out how to do that. It's an incredible video.

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