Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Gospel

As you know, the Gospel is the thing that we should all be about. As I peruse the interWeb, I occasionally come across something Gospel-Oriented. I came across this on the website of Kevin DeYoung's church and thought it was worth posting:

The Gospel
From the beginning, we have rebelled against God and sought satisfaction in everything but Him, ultimately separating us from him and earning us a death that is both physical and spiritual. Therefore, the One True God had set forth a plan to reconcile our relationship to himself. And so God came in the form of a man and lived a perfect life, died on the cross to pay for our sins, and rose again in victory over death. This was so that when our hearts turn to God and we repent, God will view us as if we had lived that perfect life, will free us from the punishment for our sin, and eventually bring us home to Him in a place that is much better than now.

Well said.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tonight - Free show at Immanuel

Please email everyone in your address book, post on Facebook, etc... Help us get the word out about The Question Musical TONIGHT at Immanuel. Everyone in attendance will have the chance to register to win one of nearly 2 dozen prizes including an iPad2, XBox 360 w/ Kinect, Flip Video Camera, and much more.

This musical answers many of life's questions through scripture. Bring your friends and join us TONIGHT at 7pm at Immanuel for The Question!

Copy and paste the following link:

Thanks for your help,

Jeff Bumgardner